
one month

one month already. crazy how time flies. 

in the past month we have seen you change in quite a few ways. as the days pass by, you are becoming more alert and awake for longer periods of time. you (like most babies) do NOT like tummy time. unless of course you have your pacifier or your dad is talking to you. and you enjoy bath time with daddy.

you LOVE to spit up. ok, you probably dont really love it but you spit up a lot. sorry, but you do. you have gained at least a pound and are now at least 8 lbs. (thanks to you and i on the scale here at home) 

you are starting to use your fingers, hands, arms and feet more and more even though you dont realize it. you make funny sounds when you are eating. 

i think you also enjoy testing our patience and you dont like to sleep very much during the day. you will fall asleep for about 5 minutes and then wake up again. you do not like being swaddled and always have your hands up by your face if possible.

and you LOVE teaching your mom about NOT having a schedule or everything planned. shes trying really really hard to learn to not have a plan and go with the flow. we cant wait to see what the next month has in store for you!