
floored by the floor

well the hubs got around to re-installing (most) of the baseboards in the dining room and kitchen so i figured it was safe to take pictures of the "final" project. mind you theres still some baseboards to install and some paint touch ups as well. painting falls in my category i guess so we will see when that gets done. (fyi: that part of the project was never discussed in the planning phases) darn. oh well. 

there isnt a lot to talk about. claire & i left the house and loud banging and left the hubs at home to do his thing. thankfully he already had some practice helping to install my moms floor so there wasnt a lot of to learn. 

here are the before pictures: 
side note - when the hubs took out the laminate by the sliding glass doors, we found that the previous owners had simply covered up an air vent (i think thats what its called) 

and then underneath the laminate in the dining room we found some LOVELY parkay. 

and the afters.  (sorry the lighting is off. i still plan to learn how to use this camera properly. someday...)

we love it! its not too light. and the seams are darker which really helps bring in the color of the table and the cabinets. so that projects (almost) done. now to just figure out what project will be next on the list...