
10 months.

10 months already. crazy.
lets see whats new???

shes trying more and more table foods. her favorites so far are cheerios and graham crackers.

she got her 3rd ear infection. on top of that we think she was going through a growth spurt and is working on more teeth. those 3 things combined = one fussy baby who woke up lots during the night and 2 tired parents. we also learned that when claire gets her 4th ear infection she will "earn" or "win" herself some tubes in her ears! haha.

she has officially stood on her own. for about 3 seconds. but whos counting?!?!

shes given herself some bruises. whether its climbing on and all over our barstools to trying to put her pacifier in her eye...she always seems to have some sort of bruise or spot on her. and of course...who can resist a side by side? (not this girl)