

last weekend we had a mini stay-cation/family weekend. we went to the zoo, a splash pad and the childrens museum.

the zoo was fun. claire really enjoyed watching some penguins swim but i think her favorite part was pushing her stroller. this girl i tell ya. she loves to push her stroller and carts in the grocery store. man on man she just loves it! and let me tell you, shes pretty strong too, pushing the shopping carts with groceries in them. now we just gotta teach her to steer and watch where she goes. 

we thought she would enjoy the splash pad a bit more than she did but maybe it was because we were the only ones there? who knows. 

and the childrens museum. surprisingly there were more things for her to do than i thought. they had an entire room/exhibit for kids under 4 years old. she loved climbing the rope ladder, going down the slide and just climbing in general.

a girl after daddys heart...loving the outdoors & flowers...

a girl after mommy's heart...learning all about stethoscopes...