
super bowl

for our super bowl gathering we decided to make those bacon wrapped stuffed jalapenos again. the first time we made them, the hubs' fingers began burning & he may or may not have had to soak them in milk to try take the sting away. so we figured we would bypass that this time and wash our hands frequently.

however i think i got a little payback from laughing at his "misery" the first time because this time i went to blow my nose and ended up having a burning/stinging nose for a few hours. But that wasnt our only excitement in our party prepping...let me just show you a picture to prove it...

so why do we have our vacuum on a chair in front of the stove? well...after searching the kitchen & dining room for at least 15 minutes for the toothpicks, we looked behind the stove & there they were...so someone got a great idea to try suction the box up, which actually worked! so our problem was solved.

awhile later our friends came over and it was good to see everyone. turns out i didnt take any pictures. whoops! (this fact alone does not help my quest in getting an ok to get a dslr camera anytime soon) but we had a lot of fun, ate a lot of deliciously unhealthy food and watched the packers win. (im sure andrew & my other wisconsin family members will be reminding me of that for years to come!)

not the most exciting and interesting story to blog about i guess, but its definitely one of those things where we had a good laugh and will remember for a long time to come. which im very thankful for!