
remember when...

remember when i finally uploaded all my pictures so i could get the pictures of the bread to post about? and how i came across a bunch i had forgotten about. oh yea. right now. so this will be a random posting.

we went to the holidazzle parade with another couple this year. its a parade here where each float is covered in lights. this years theme was "a fairytale for all". so many fairytale characters & of course santa made an appearance. while we saved spots in the freezing weather, our guys went to find us food. minus the typical winter weather it was a lot of fun. especially hanging out with this girl:


after baking a bunch of desserts for the christmas season, i wanted to try my hand at cooking something in january so i tried these:

cream cheese stuffed jalapenos wrapped in bacon. yes, it is heart healthy! haha. surprisingly i really liked these. i probably could have ate a bunch of them...but my hubs definitely beat me to that! i think we will be having these again this weekend for the super bowl.