im sure this post will not surprise any of you. considering i have been waiting to move and decorate for what seems like forever...the sweat equity here at the house has already begun. actually it began on sunday. one day after everything had been moved. even with a large majority of our belongings still in boxes and scattered throughout the house.
but i mean come can only handle crazy wallpaper for so long you know? and living with it for less than 24 hours, it was already too long for me :) so thanks to some vinegar, spray bottles, scrapers, a clothing steamer and some sweat equity from the hubs & both sets of parents, our house is already looking MUCH better (at least in my opinion)
( before and during the sweat equity from the hubs & his parents)
this is the first wall you see when walking up the stairs. they had a giant shelf running the length of the wall with hooks, not sure what they hung on these hooks, but it had to go. no worries, it has since found a new home in the garage.
(the large wall spanning the living room & dining room before & after)
are any of you asking about that clothing steamer we used? the "beautiful" green wallpaper came off super easy so we didnt need anything but vinegar. but then we started to get ambitious. and attempted to tackle the master bedroom. we were not so lucky with this wallpaper. so we had to steam off the top layer of wallpaper & then go back to the vinegar to get the adhesive off.
for whatever reason, my parents and i decided to start this process in the smallest corner of the room...but we got a really good start on this room. right now, this is the room im most excited about. i cant wait to see the ideas in my mind come to life (ok yes i know that sounds really cheesy but it is what it is...hope you dont disown me! hehe)