
holding room...

wanna see one of the "joys" of renovations? living in what can really only be called a "holding room" aka a room to hold everything from the room you are doing updates too. ie this is our living room. full of stuff from the master bedroom.

and this second picture is another view of the living room. this is what we see when watching tv. REALLY relaxing. (yes, that is lifetime's william and kate movie on tv) 

we are getting our floor measured so we can get carpet installed and in order to do so, we had to take the old carpet & padding out (again i say "we" but really its the hubs) we got a bit of a surprise: old hardwood floors. however, since this room was really 2 old rooms joined to make one, theres a giant white area running the width of the room thats patched up so we can't refinish the wood. looks like we are slowly getting closer and closer to a finished room!