
things i like...

i like doing laundry...well actually i like NOT having to PAY about $3 for each load of laundry. and i like that if i forget the clothes in the dryer, i dont have to worry about others pulling our clothes out and i dont have to pay an extra $1.50 to fluff them up again.

i like having so much light upstairs from all the windows. less need for electricity use. (well you know, besides the computers and tvs and such but still)

i like 3 day weekends.

i like not having floral wallpaper up in the master bedroom anymore. now i just need to find the patience to handle the pink walls until we start to paint.

i like the warmer weather. we dont have any more snow in our yard which means we can actually see what our yard looks like. millions of rocks and all.

i like that the garage doors will be installed soon. (fingers crossed)