
dresser re-do, part 1

i found a great idea on a blog that turns a dresser into a tv stand. perfect. we found this dresser at a thrift store for $39.99. when they were loading it up a drawer fell out & broke. so we got a $15 discount. again, gotta love a good deal.

heres a before picture:

the hubs "happily" agreed to do the handy work for this project by taking out the top 3 drawers and turning into an open shelf.

he then "happily" agreed to use this sucker to prime it:

well. the verdict. im not a fan of the spray gun. too much hassle. to set up the spray area with tarps, wearing masks & protective eye wear, figuring out the proper combination of paint & paint thinner and clean up, its probably not that much quicker than painting by hand. clearly its just our first project and time using this spray gun...buuuuuut i dont know if i wanna mess with using it again. heres what it looks like now, primed:

i admit, it looks pretty good in white. but we've got another color in mind. any guesses? this is another project im excited to see completed. and put it to use too. we'll keep you updated.