
NO white paint here!

THATS RIGHT! we painted something that WASNT white! but lets rewind and start from the beginning...

someone got a MUCH wanted & needed loa for memorial day. so what better way to celebrate not having to work than to paint for 10 hours?!? this girl was very determined. and very thankful her parents were up to the task of helping out too, even with such short notice. and let.me.tell.you. it looks so good. its very odd to not stare at a primed white wall anymore. the colors (wicker & barnwood) look awesome and it feels like SUCH a relief to have done. we painted the dining room, living room, main hallway and the entry area by the main door that doesnt get a lot of use.

we were thankfully able to borrow a very long extension ladder from our neighbor and im also thankful my mom isnt scared of heights.

we have yet to put up the chair rail here; thats why the line is crooked/doesnt meet

some of our next projects include installing our new doors and working on a new banister here to prevent people from falling. and of course curtains. and even a tv stand. that isnt starting out as a tv stand. dun. dun. dun. dun....hey---i gotta keep you coming back to check it out...or better yet...come visit :)