
the next food network star?!?

i dont know if you know this about me buuuuuuuuuuut i love blogs. i love checking my favorite ones every day or so to see their new updates. i love getting ideas about decorating our house and well just information in general. like i said before, i have a few favorites. in different categories. home improvements, DIY, photography and cooking.

recently we have started to try these new recipes. i found the recipe for smores bars in a magazine. and this past weekend we tried some southwestern crispy wontons. after searching a few different grocery stores we actually found the wonton wrappers. NOT in the "ethnic" aisle...but actually in the produce section. who knew? not me.

nothing like a heart healthy meal eh? just ensuring the nurses of the future will have a job :) i think next time we will bake them, just to try it out. also, please note the cooking attire of the chef. no apron for this guy. how about a karate suit?

we also attempted something called "chicken spaghetti" another heart healthy meal due to the cream of mushroom soup needed. no pictures for this one though. it was a bit soupy. better luck next time.