
small changes...

as we are patiently waiting for our carpet to be installed we have accomplished a few smaller projects. these were pretty inexpensive but they also made a big impact. at least in my book.

the first project is the master bedroom ceiling fan. it was brass. our curtain rods were more silver. the hubs thought we should look into getting a new one. i thought about googling. and i won. a simple coat or two of spray paint made it look a lot newer and fit right in with our curtain rods. i didnt take a before shot (i know shame on me) but i took a picture of our dining room fan which looks pretty much the same to show you a comparison. check em out:

our second project was even cheaper. just needed some manual labor. provided of course by the handy hubs.

have no fear. that shelf was repurposed into the garage. and whenever we decide to tackle the kitchen our thoughts right now would be some floating shelves. to display things. to be determined things. thankfully we have a few more projects lined up before the kitchen so we have some time to figure it out.