
aaaaaaaaaaaand we're back...

back to mn and back to blogging. sorta.

this past weekend we made a lil trip to "gods country" at least thats what some people call it. i call it "by hour 2 of 5 in the car kelsey goes crazy country" sorta. sometimes i feel like a little kid making the trip there, constantly asking "are we there yet" and just plain getting antsy from all the excitement to see everyone again.

and this time there was MORE excitement than before. why? cuz of this lil 7 pound cutie.

so we got back monday evening from that and GUESS WHAT!!!! after some complaining to the company about the delay on the carpet by the hubs, our carpet was FINALLY installed. wahoo! super excited. so we havent done a lot of blogging. but we've been taking pictures on all the progress in the master bedroom. bed is in, bedding we got from the wedding is finally in use; closets are filling up...so much to do...but yet so exciting cuz we can finally CONTINUE our renovations to the rest of the house :) have i mentioned im pumped yet? cuz i am. just throwin that out there. so have no fear, there will be better posts and pictures. maybe this weekend? since we can't travel cuz im working...so who knows...