
busy entertaining...

we have had a full house in the last week or so. first the hubs' friend rhode came up to visit. they worked on our lawn. im not 100% sure what they all did but i know that they filled a garbage can and about 5 large lawn paper bags.

then the hubs' aunt, uncle, grandma & grandpa came up to see our place. it was their first time seeing the place and they even helped out around the house. they helped finish changing all our dark brown outlets downstairs to white and they started to prime some window framing.

and then to finish off the visits (for a while) the hubs' mom and her friends & kids came up to go to the mall of america. we also ate at osaka, a hibachi place (our favorite type of restaurant)

all these visitors definitely kept us busy. but it was really good to see everyone. the only down side to this was the time with everyone flew by way too quickly.

next up on the docket is hosting a baby shower for a coworker and a girls night. so with all this entertaining there probably wont be a lot of house projects completed. so hopefully thats ok with you!