
corn maze

last weekend the hubs and i accomplished octobers resolution of going to my first ever (that i remember at least) corn maze. we went to severs corn maze and this years maze theme was out of this world. literally. check it out:

thankfully we didnt get lost. they made it pretty easy actually, they gave everyone an option of carrying along the map and had check points along the way to look at where you were at. it was ok to go through the maze, i just think it would have been a bit more fun to race other people through the maze maybe next year. but the activities didnt just stop there. we also got to see an exotic petting zoo. honestly i think this was more fun the maze.

the hubs pretty much immediately found the goats. not surprised one bit there. and we even saw a ze-donk. a what? a cross between a zebra and a donkey. who knew. you can also have a zeony (zebra & pony) and zorse (zebra and horse)

there were also ostriches, camels, water buffalo, and so much more. BUT let me tell you about the freakiest thing there. a bird area. something like a 10x10 caged area in which you can go in and put your arm out and these cute little birds will come land on your arm. yea. except for the fact that there are about 80 birds in this area and they all are fast. very fast. so in a matter of seconds i had about 8 fly towards me from every which way. FREAKY. unfortunately for you readers the hubs was in control of the camera so the pictures arent exactly shall we say perfect.

so we had the corn maze, the petting zoo and some pig races. yup pig races. nothing too exciting there. besides the fact they called it the pigtucky derby. no joke. we had some fun with some of the picture prop areas too.

all in all we had fun at this corn maze. it was a bit odd, id say about 98% of the other people there were couples with small children. i dont really know what i expected but it wasnt that. oh well. you live you learn. 

hope you have a great weekend. we will be busy... welcoming and visiting with some guests!