
hormonal ramblings...

the hubs says i now waddle. its funny, half the time i dont even realize it. i wonder how it looks. and half the time i dont realize im in a "typical pregnancy stance/position"
my sis in law pointed that out a few weeks ago.

i went for a walk OUTSIDE BY MYSELF (i know, whats the world coming to right?) which was fine. except for the hecklers. two couples sitting in their lawn drinking. one of the women yelled out "walk a little faster & the baby will come faster"

ok. FIRST of all, if i walked ANY faster id pass out because id be getting no oxygen because id be short of breath. (ok a little over exaggeration but still) SECOND of all, DO I LOOK 9 MONTHS pregnant? i dont really think so. therefore, ill walk at this pace, cuz ideally id like this baby to stay cooking for another two months. but thanks for your advice. and i also appreciated the laughter after.

if you havent figured out yet, im a tad bit more irritable these days. and i CAN (& do) blame the hormones. babycenter.com told me it was a symptom. so a word of warning: stay away from me when driving. cuz most likely you will irritate me. and if you are a nursing friend, co-worker or my hubs, beware, cuz ill most likely be complaining about my lack of patience for my patients who dont listen to the doctors orders or something like that.

and in other news a patient told me i was "carrying well" i wont go on to mention that he was elderly and asked me about 5 times when my baby was due. im still taking it as a compliment.

and this baby. man, i think we are in a run for our money. turns out this baby is pretty smart. it seems whenever i want someone (my parents for example) to see or feel it move it doesnt. and then that night in bed, baby proceeds to have a dance party for a good twenty minutes. seriously? seriously. or when i try video tape the big movements, seems baby knows when i have the camera ready cuz then it just stops. like grinds to halt stops.

ok. but seriously. i am still enjoying this growing a baby thing. i am. i still love all of babys twists, turns, kicks, jabs whatevers. and its becoming more and more real that WE'RE GONNA HAVE A BABY SOON! like when picking out fabric with my mom for a baby blanket. thats gonna be MY baby's blanket. odd. or when realizing its gonna be a long time before i can read a whole book in one sitting. just little things like that. as much as i want the end of july to come asap, im still looking forward to these next two months. promise.