
life these days

life these days. its been pretty interesting. 33 weeks has come and gone. little ivan or dot is keeping his/her eyes open when awake, weighed about 4 1/2 pound & was about 17 inches long. and i found out that im so hot lately because during pregnancy your metabolism increases by 20%. whoa. gotta love the work uniform.

and this week is week 34. baby is able to recognize & react to simple songs, is the size of a butternut squash and is about 18 inches long. these days baby has also been hanging out on the right side a lot. so odd. does that mean he or she is gonna be right handed????


and then theres the feeling of "we arent gonna get everything done" feeling. even though i know we will get the essentials done, i still feel overwhelmed. less than 6 weeks until someone is supposed to arrive. which means less than 6 weeks until i have to deal with this:


do i need to say more? lol. all kidding aside, we ARE getting ready. slowly but surely we are getting ready. we have been making progress on the nursery & other baby projects which is great. we are still trying to narrow down names and middle names.

and this weekend little ivan or dot will be celebrated once again at our second baby shower...we cant wait!