
baby update

these past few weeks have flown by very quickly so heres a quick recap of baby happenings.

34 weeks - flew by. the week of the mn baby shower.

35 weeks - flew by even quicker.

36 weeks - gained some more weight. my baby belly now measures 44 inches around. too much info? i dunno. the first of the weekly doctors appointments begins. baby is still head down. heart rate was 140s. officially dilated to a ZERO.  i feel like i cant get any bigger but i know i will. and maybe im dreaming but i think now i can sometimes feel a leg or knee. and im beginning to wondering (ie get slightly nervous) about how big this little one will be.

(still head down, liver & kidneys in working order; lungs still maturing)

we are still slowly getting the nursery in order. we've got almost everything washed and have pretty much everything put away, just have to tidy up some odds and ends. and the hubs is even REQUESTING a to do list :) so ive been busy making the final lists of what needs to get done in the next few weeks or sooner. i figure he will never again request a list so gotta make the most of it :) 

next up: installing the car seat & getting that checked out. and packing our hospital bags. 

check out the difference 6 weeks makes at this point (a lot at least to me):