
mn baby shower

waaaaaay back on june 23rd we had our mn baby shower. it already seems like forever ago. 

we played a few games one in which i learned a lot of advice about everything baby related. 
you know like: 

a) whats the best thing daddy should do to the help with the baby? 
---pamper baby's mom

b) what do you do when the baby cries?
---run away faster than dave

c) what kind of diapers should you use?
---the ones with a coupon 

and since most of these ladies have children & grandchildren of their own...you know this advice HAS GOT to be right! so ladies, thanks for all the advice! i know it will come in handy! 

i even had a special helper to help open gifts...which is good cuz these days its getting pretty difficult to stand up & sit down gracefully...or just without a braxton hicks contraction. 

again, we were super blessed with the amazing generosity of everyone. but i have to say one of my favorite gifts was some beef jerky from my cousin. mainly because we always have arguments over who gets all the beef jerky. im surprised it lasted the car ride down to the shower! :) 

and check out this super cute diaper cake stuffed with accessories (spoons, forks, bottles etc) from my aunt!