
rock n play no more

well almost no more. if you didnt know, we love our rock n play thing for claire. it folds up really easy for travel to the grandparents house, easily moved within our house, keeps her upright to help with her spit up issues and is just really nice all around. 

well...someone (who shall remain nameless) (coughcough-the-only-male-in-the-house-cough) thought he had stepped around it however he ended up falling right on it. thankfully claire was surfin the internet with mom at the time so she wasnt injured (either was he-who-shall-not-be-named) but turns out he flattened it. 

i know its kinda hard to tell in this picture but this is from above and its all pretty level with the ground. we were thankfully able to salvage it. sorta. again this picture doesnt do it justice but it now leans a bit to the left. 


thankfully it still rocks. and claire doesnt seem too upset about always laying to the left now. at least not yet.