

claire turned 8 months last week. she has loved each new food we have tried. she likes these little frozen mango & yogurt drops i made and will be starting peaches this week. two days before turning 8 months we were able to feel her top 2 front teeth starting to poke thru  after what seemed like forever of teething symptoms.

when she gets really excited about something she makes the faces seen above & below. its pretty funny.  she still army crawls but likes to walk with our help. shes starting to try pull herself  up on us and some of her toys. so im sure its just a matter of time before shes standing up.


and who doesnt love a little look at where we all started? i love how bald & chubby (in a good way) she looks in her 3 month pictures. man time goes fast! looks like i better start thinking of her birthday party. haha.