

pink eye. thats what we are dealing with currently. we now know claires motto is "go big" because she has pink eye in both eyes. and she threw in a cold too. lucky us. and if things are like they usually are....im next. yippee skippee. (thankfully she isnt always cranky with being sick, we still get to see her smile some too!)

in other news, claire has become a yoga enthusiast.  when going from point A to B she will army crawl/scoot. stop. go into downward dog. flop onto her stomach. and resume the army crawl/scooting to get where she wants to go. this isnt an excellent picture of the downward dog, she now is able to really get her butt in the air. 

and she even got to hang out with daddy this weekend while i was at work. 

she also might have randomly said dada last night. heard by both of us. it has not yet been repeated so im saying fluke. but im sure daddy wouldnt agree with that. :)