
11 months

well seeing as someones birthday is coming up in less than a week, i suppose i should post her 11 month info huh?

she has 8 teeth. 4 on top & 4 on bottom. and still loves to eat pretty much anything and everything. right now she likes pears and berries. and the little itsy bitsy bites of sweets we give her now and then. (just like her mama)

she loves the water. bath time = splash time. and we just recently found out she likes the pool too. which is exciting. 

and pointing. man oh man does she wear out that pointer finger. she points at EVERYTHING. and loves to point at our fridge and our frame wall to see all the pictures. especially the pictures of family. (mainly miles and emma) 

the biggest change by far is walking. yup she is walking on her own. shes a bit too fast for her own good but she loves to walk. she started about a week after she turned 11 months old. and its been fun but really odd at the same time. she seems a lot older now that shes walking. almost like a toddler (gasp)

she also loves to fake laugh. randomly and at herself. its pretty cute.