
remembering my dad

the end of june was the one year anniversary of my dad passing away. it was definitely an odd thing, the marking of a whole year passing. we have went through all the birthdays and holidays and everyday occurrences without him. we all wore our red shoes in honor of him. i think claires red shoes were the most popular though.

our immediate family and some close family friends all went to the cemetery and told a few stories of him and what a difference he made in so many peoples lives. after the stories, we released balloons that said TODAY IS A GIFT. my dads motto.

after the cemetery, we went back to my moms house and had a spaghetti supper with my dads homemade spaghetti sauce he used to make and we also enjoyed his favorite candy.

even though a year has past it still doesnt seem that long. there are definitely difficult moments when we all wish he were still here but i guess we are all working on finding a new normal. whatever that may entail.