
lets get ready for some diy...

This house is move-in ready/livable but (how do I say this nicely?) …let’s just say our decorating taste/style isn’t the same as the previous owners. So we will be attempting to DIY on a lot of these improvements/updates. I have been searching the internet for weeks now (ok, ok, ill be honest...months) gathering ideas and the how-to so we have plenty of ideas.  Im not gonna lie, im really excited to do this! And the hubs, well I think hes just excited to finally get his “man cave” and a little garage workshop and do some outdoor improvements too. Hopefully ill be able to pull him away every now and then to help out too ;)
I suppose you want to see some pictures eh? ***
(view of the kitchen from the dining room, the door behind the fridge is a walk in pantry)

(view of the dining room from the living room, the kitchen is on the right; looks out onto the back yard)

(upstairs bathroom, hearts & every shade of blue imaginable)

Thats probably enough spoilers huh? Actually, those are the best pictures I have right now. I'll try get more before we move everything in.
One of our first projects will be the master bedroom. Something about the mauve/red/who-really-knows-what-color carpet, floral wallpaper, pink walls and hunter green curtains doesn’t really scream “RELAXING!” or “SLEEP HERE” to us.
(a sampling of the master bedroom)

Hope you stay with us as we start to tackle these projects, we will be sure to keep you up to date on all of our progress, accomplishments and (hopefully not too many) fails!
***Writers side note---sorry if these pictures aren’t the best, i’m still in the (never ending) process of convincing the hubs to let us get a new camera...but that’s another story for a different day…