
mexican family vacay...

our march madness started out not so mad but with a week long vacation in mexico. the hubs and i were able to go with my parents & siblings to an all inclusive resort. we all had a lot of fun and made some great memories. if we weren't laying out by the beach enjoying the sea breeze we were most likely eating. most of us enjoyed relaxing and reading on the beach but others of us (ie mainly the hubs) wanted to experience as much as possible so he took part in a scuba lesson, yoga, a bike ride into town, a catamaran lesson, swimming in the ocean, a run on the beach and a few other things.


we were all able to go on some excursions as well. the first was about an hour or so away from our resort. here we were paired up with a couple from wisconsin and a couple from iowa (small world eh?) first we went rappelling. this was by far one of the scariest experiences of my life, if not the scariest. it took a bunch of encouragement for me to be able to actually get over the edge, the hubs & my brother had no problems with this though, they went down & ran back up the stairs to do it again pretty much before i went down once.

after rappelling we went ziplining. we did this on our honeymoon too, but it was still a lot of fun.

lastly we went snorkeling in a cenote (aka cave) the water was very cold but it was definitely awesome to see!
the resort had speciality themed restaurants to try out too each evening. we first tried the japanese hibachi where the hubs & i tried octopus. ick! i still get shivers just thinking about eating that!

we also tried a tropical theme & mexican theme on other nights. i dont think we ran into a dish that we didnt like!

we were also able to go snorkeling one day. i think this was my favorite (well, besides laying on the beach reading of course!) being able to see the coral and all the fish was incredible! ill admit it was a bit hard at times to not get salt water in my snorkel but i think towards the end i was doing pretty good.

each night the resort had a different themed show which was fun to go watch. before the show started each night they had an icebreaker type thing for volunteers. lets just say the hubs volunteered us one for some "mexican ping pong" and i never want to do that again (the story is better in person and probably not internet appropriate). that experience is definitely in my top 5 most embarrassing moments...i may or may not have been pretty silent towards the hubs for a day after that one :)

all in all, we loved the vacation. it was definitely a lot of fun and much needed. we all came back relaxed & refreshed. we werent necessarily so excited to go back to work...but then again who really is?!?!

so i guess our march started out pretty good. but these last few weeks are definitely going to be a bit "mad". with working nights for 2 weeks to some other adventures...we will be busy but having a lot of fun at the same time. guess you'll just have to stay tuned...