
our little secret...

Ok, so it’s not THAT little of a secret. More like a 2200 square foot secret. Or a 4 bedroom 2 bath type of secret. Maybe a picture would help clear things up?  
Please don’t disown us for this secret. This actually wasn’t the first house we put an offer on. With that first house we had an inspection and didn’t  like what that showed. It was quite the emotional rollercoaster going from “we want this house” to “crap, no we don’t” to “will we ever find anything”   but, we are both very happy that that first house didn’t work out and that we got this one!
So where are we? We are in the process of making everything official. We are doing a “pre-sign” tomorrow. And then everything becomes official and we get our hands on the keys on Thursday. And then we will move this weekend. Oh yeah, its also my weekend to work. Throw in my sister-in-laws baby shower out of state. And you probably think we are crazy. Maybe we are. But that’s ok. We are crazy in love & crazy excited so that’s ok, right? Right.

So heres to you not disowning us for keeping this secret and to the beginning of one of the craziest but exciting life-changing weeks in a long time (well actually maybe 7 months give or take a few weeks…)
And heres a peek into our current living situation...nice and "cozy"...