five to be exact.
let me introduce you.
lily, marshall, ted, robin & barney

aka how i met your mother. id seen a few episodes here and there before and thought it was good so i decided i better start from the beginning. so thanks to netflix, season one was just completed this past weekend. only 5 more seasons to go to catch up. i just wish netflix could send these dvds a lot quicker. cuz im gettin obsessed. slightly.
wanna know something else im slightly obsessed with? it also has the number 5 in common. instead of 5 new friends, ive got 5 new favorite numbers. 8-9-1-0-9. just sayin...
its august. whoa. where did the summer go? not much house work planned for the rest of the summer...because of a little thing called money. and being burnt out. and we've got plans. lots a plans. we've got work. and bachelor parties. (ok really thats just the hubs but you know). and weddings. and our first anniversary. and relay for life. and hopefully an august resolution = twins game. and probably somethings im forgetting. so moral of the story there wont be as many posts. and they most likely wont be house related. but such is life i guess. and thats what this blog is about. our everyday lives*. or something like that. *dont worry we wont bore you with our actual everyday laundry, cleaning etc. i will try to keep it interesting. key word: try.