
stained glass

my dad rocks. at a lot of things. like raising 3 children with my mom. and teaching us great and wonderful things. like sarcasm. (what would my life be without sarcasm?!?!) and how to be decisive. he taught us that one by example :)

but in all seriousness, he does rock. one thing he does amazingly well is stained glass. hes even converted a room upstairs to be his stained glass workshop. the room that used to be mine. and then kenzies. and then mine. and now its a workshop. 

but seriously i feel like he could pretty much do any sort of design. hes done sail boats, light houses, a skeletal hand, flowers, geometrical designs, nature scenes and oh so much more. (check out his facebook page to see more)

but by far my favorite designs he has done have been this nativity collection of 4 different designs. hes made a few sets for the hubs and i, mom and a good family friend. technically these are pictures of my moms set...because we havent gotten time to hang em up...(yes i know, bad daughter) but they are the same design.  so check it out:

like i said, he rocks. but dont be getting too many ideas...hes got a waiting list.