
ultrasound baby!

this week is week 19. so close to being half way there. (crazy) and since im lucky* enough to get to work every day next week, we had the ultrasound a week early. (no complaints from me)

heading into the ultrasound i was surprised at how ok i was with knowing we wouldnt find out the sex. i thought i would really really really really want to know and maybe even cave or twist the hubs' arm to find out. i guess i was just more focused on how needing a full bladder for the ultrasound was no fun.

but anyways, i cant even begin to describe how amazing and cool and real and so many other things it was to see our baby. to see the baby ACTUALLY look like a baby. the last time we saw the baby was like around 12 weeks and it just looked like a kidney bean. but this time it was a human. (no more parasite or alien comments are allowed)

we were able to see this little one move around (a bunch) and see the heart, all four chambers, the bladder, the kidneys, the umbilical cord & the flow of blood. sooo incredibly crazy. but so incredibly cool.

however we have already learned that this little one is stubborn! he or she did not want to fully cooperate. believe me...we tried poking, prodding, me in different positions and this little stinker (said in the best, most loving way of course) did not want to move his/her arms down from their face or move their head up to get some measurements. we literally only need to check babys lip (checking for cleft lip) and he/she wouldnt have it. so, looks like im scheduled for another ultrasound before my next appointment. oh shucks! (jk, clearly im excited to see him/her again!)

and guess what. im finally feeling the baby move. since march 1st to be exact. this too is so crazy but so exciting. seriously i dont know how else to describe it. it kinda feels like a tap on the shoulder would, just a bit gentler/softer. and im liking every little kick/jab/movement/whatever. from what ive heard its not always that soft especially when baby gets bigger...but ill keep it for now.