
pinterest meal

so march's resolution was to make a meal from pinterest pins ive been collecting. appetizer, main course & dessert. well that sorta happened. :)

so of course i procrastinate on this as much as possible. why wouldnt i? and then to top it off i had a cold the day i decided to do this. great.

originally i was going to make beer can chicken cuz i thought we had a small whole chicken in the freezer. well turns out we had half a chicken and didnt have any beer cans, even though that wouldnt have worked anyways. so i scoured the internet and made a mish-mosh dry rub (i dont even really remember what spices i put in) heres before cooking:

and then i was going to make this delicious looking pull apart cheesy herb bread for an appetizer. http://www.roxanashomebaking.com/pull-apart-cheesy-herb-bread/

yah well that didnt turn out. and i dont really know why. but heres the meal (minus the delicious & super easy green bean casserole we also had)

so that was supper. minus the dessert. cuz really i had nothing left in me to make a dessert. however, the night before i DID make a cinnamon roll cake for the hubs to bring to work. so that counts right? right. and i had even pinned it previously. so that helps out.

so theres march's resolution. with a twist or two. but hey, thats life. right? (at least thats what i keep telling myself)

but in other news, aprils resolution will NOT be at the last minute. so thats exciting. heres to hoping im feeling better by this weekend...