

the end of 23 weeks today. crazy! not a lot has changed, just a growing belly i guess. we have been doing some work on the nursery which has been fun. baby is definitely growing and i can tell he or she is getting stronger...his or her movements are becoming stronger and a bit more frequent. other people are able to feel some of the movements too which is exciting. 

any guesses on who made this week's whiteboard? since its a bit hard to read, heres a close up:

and thats all that needs to be said about that.

i had another appointment this week and had our follow up ultrasound since this little one was being stubborn at the first ultrasound. thankfully baby cooperated this time and they got some good pictures of the face, especially the lip. heart rate was about 147. 

and we found out baby is very flexible! baby had his or her legs up close to his or her body, with the knees practically touching his or her face, with his or her arms grabbing its legs. it was quite comical. and then at one point baby had his or her feet flexed up like he or she was getting ready to give me a little kick.