
babymoon to duluth

last weekend the hubs and i traveled to duluth for a little babymoon. its one of the free remaining weekends before the baby comes. so off we went. 

saturday morning we started the day early. someone wouldnt let me sleep in; despite the reminders of all the advice i'd been hearing "sleep now while you can, you wont get much in the third trimester" or "sleep now because you wont get much when the baby is here" --- but in his defense he did let me "sleep in" (until like 8:30) because he was up at 6:30 taking full advantage of the continental breakfast and a foggy walk by the lake. but still. 8:30 isnt really considered sleeping in in my book at least.

we first checked out the great lakes aquarium. there was a "how well do you know lake superior" game with a bunch of facts, so i tested the hubs. turns out he got like 7 of 8 questions right. i was pretty surprised. until he told me later on that day that he had read most of the facts on the little signs posted along the lake where he took his early morning stroll. 

i think our favorite part was watching some divers feed the fish. who knew a sturgeons mouth was on the underside and looks like a little pucker thing? not i. but now we have proof. 

and we couldnt pass up this photo op. funny story, clearly the hubs took these pictures. and it took him a week (when he was uploading these pictures) to realize what was really happening in the next picture. he thought i was standing up. but CLEARLY baby didnt want to be left out.

we ate at a little mexican place for lunch and had some of the best salsa i have ever had. baby and i definitely filled up on chips and salsa. best 99 cents ive spent in a long time. we spent the rest of the afternoon walking and checking out some shops and just relaxing. turns out it was a bit chillier than we had anticipated up there and only brought one coat so we were pretty cold. we did manage to stay outside long enough to watch a ship come too. but it was freezing!

saturday night we went to a play. and it was interesting. when i hear play i immediately think big production, lots of cast etc. well this was more community theater, small cast (8 i think) and could seat about 100-150 people maybe? but it was a good play, with good acting and we enjoyed it. 

sunday morning we took a walk by the lake as well and did some driving around duluth and even ventured into superior wi. just to say we did. lol. and then headed back home. it was definitely a weekend that flew by, but it was relaxing. it was nice not to check email or facebook or feel like "i should be cleaning this...or doing this..." like we so often do at home. good quality time together before baby. and we can't complain about that.