

25 weeks = done.
less than 15 to go.
(yes, i did just double check my math. turns out pregnancy brain IS real)

everyone asks me how im feeling. im thinking im either lucky or a change is coming. im hoping for the first one. ive been feeling fine. heartburn here or there. sore feet after working 3 days in a row. its getting a bit more difficult to get into bed, but still manageable. (im trying to convince the hubs to lower it some how but thats not working). and im starting to feel some braxton hicks contractions. just one a day, maybe. but its odd. very odd.

we are now able to see the movements, just short little movements on my belly, but its still really cool. and the hubs can now feel the difference between light and stronger movements. im still craving root beer floats and birthday cake oreos. and orange juice i guess. still a no thank you to spaghetti though.

our next doctors appointment will be the glucose screening test. to see if i have gestational diabetes. im hoping my life of sugar consumption for these past 26 years was really just preparing my body to pass this test. at least thats what i keep telling myself :)