
pregnancy surprises

Typically when people talk to me about being pregnant they ask the same questions & say the same things. 

When are you due? How far along are you? You are going to be SOOO miserable this summer!!! What are you having?  Oh you aren’t finding out the sex? That’s so exciting (insert personal story here)  Oh you aren’t finding out the sex? That’s gotta be so hard! How can you do that?

You get the jist. Now don’t get me wrong, I love talking anything and everything baby. But then there are those who ask some different questions. The ones that catch me off guard and really make me think. 

What are things that have surprised you about being pregnant? Wowza.

I think its actually experiencing it. (It sounds lame and general but let me explain) take the first trimester. You hear that during the first trimester you are very tired. But there is no way to describe and really understand how tired that actually is until you ACTUALLY ARE that tired.  I also now know what heartburn feels like, how it feels to get out breath after climbing a flight of stairs or just getting into bed. (and YES, I DO know it is only going to get worse as we finish up these last few months) 

Another thing that surprised me is when I was finally able to feel the baby kick. Yes, it makes it a lot more real. But the surprising part was where I was feeling it. I feel as if all the movies you see and stories you see you assume the baby always kicks up in the center of your belly by your belly button. But not true. It’s a lot lower, closer to the pelvis. 

Names. I guess I was naive about this one. I honestly figured it would be pretty easy. But it’s a bit more difficult and time consuming that I originally had thought. It isn’t hard work by any means, but challenging. And not even first names. It’s the middle names that get you. And then you have the initials. Making sure it doesn’t spell out something inappropriate or in my case making sure it doesn’t spell out some abbreviation for a medical procedure, cuz I’m cool like that. 

And no, these aren’t the only things and I still have 3+ months to go so the list will continue to grow, but I don’t want to end up writing a book. Or putting all you readers to sleep.But i am enjoying the experience...regardless of how much i complain. i mean when else can you have an all access pass to eat as many birthday cake oreos and root beer floats?!?!  :)