
boy or girl?

Its getting close to the highly anticipated ultrasound. You know, the one we could figure out if it’s a boy or girl. And man has it been difficult these past few weeks to keep convincing myself to wait until July to find out the gender. But have no fear…I have researched some old wives tales or myths on what this little one will be. So here goes, in no particular order:

Cravings --- salty/sour = boy; sweet =girl ………. Ugh. I really don’t know! This one needs to be thrown out, I feel like it just depends on the day! 

Chinese Gender Chart (based on my age & month of conception) …..GIRL

Mayans Myth (based on my age & year of conception) ….GIRL

Increase in acne = girl; Same = boy…..BOY

Morning sickness = girl; little to none = boy ……BOY 

Side you rest on: Right = girl; Left = boy……GIRL

History of parents kids (this was a long explanation)………BOY

Dad-to- be gains weight = girl; doesn’t gain weight = boy ….. BOY

Heartbeat: 140+ bpm = girl; under 140 bpm = boy…. TBD at the ultrasound

Wedding Ring on string: swings in circle =girl; back & forth = boy… BOY

Pee in a cup mix a tablespoon of Drano in, and watch to see if it changes color. Green = girl, and blue = boy. Umm no thank you----I don’t need to know THAT bad! 

So to tally everything up thats 5 BOYS and 3 GIRLS

So heres to this little one being a boy, at least according to these myths/wives tales. am i missing any???