
best hubs award...

turns out im pregnant. surprising, i know. and this entire time the hubs has been awesome. helping out more around the house when i was completely exhausted during the first trimester, always listening to me when i complain about heartburn or whatever it is that day and so much more.

he even listens and helps my cravings. case in point this past weekend. 

have you ever heard of birthday cake oreos? ya, turns out oreo is turning 100. and they have a new limited edition birthday cake flavor. they are delish. and it wasnt very helpful when my friends christa and toni were talking about them recently, via text messages and facebook (thanks girls) 

anyways...friday i texted the hubs saying he should go buy some birthday cake oreos. like 5 packages (they are limited edition you know). and then i told him baby wanted em. (cuz why wouldnt i milk that for 9 months???) so after work he told me he did get birthday cake oreos, but also got mint & peanut butter for variety. (slightly mad, i requested ALL birthday cake, but understood his thinking...sorta)

so saturday i wanted those oreos. and i went to start snacking on some birthday cake goodness. only to find out the 2 packages of "birthday cake" oreos were regular. turns out since they had balloons or streamers or something on em he thought they were birthday cake. ok, so of course i still ate the regular ones.

then i got smart and realized we dont need to eat 4 bags of oreos, none of which are the ones i want. so i asked the hubs, what kind should i bring to work? regular or mint? well he wanted to keep the mint. so i go to the pantry to get the other package of oreos...and see the "mint" ones. turns out they werent mint either. they just had a green part of the package...saying "reduced fat" 

so the hubs was 0 for 4. and thats why he gets the best hubs award. and i use the word best loosely :) 

*disclaimer: the hubs knows about and approves of this post. i just find this story hilarious and had to share with someone!!!