
random thoughts

im not liking spaghetti these days. i can sorta tolerate the first time but then cant even begin to tolerate it for leftovers. so please, no spaghetti until after august. thanks.
yesterday i had a great day at work. or shall i say drive to work? for a few weeks now ive driven past this odd billboard full of shamrocks. didnt think anything of it. just thought it was a BIT early for st pattys day but hey. BUT THEN YESTERDAY the billboard had changed. and it had the greatest news. SHAMROCK SHAKES ARE BACK!!! i was so excited. and then got a bit nervous...what if the baby didnt like shamrock shakes? but have no fear, ive already tried one and baby approves! whew! 

im also enjoying jolly rancher chews. a bit of a kick of sour. and pickles. but not together.

the hubs and i are going on a date tonight! im excited. its been approximately 14 weeks since we have been on date. not that ive been counting or anything.

im so thankful for energy. im finally getting energy back! so much so ive been cleaning and working on some projects. i know you are pumped huh?

im also procrastinating on researching what to do for the nursery. it still seems pretty odd and surreal. 

and thats about all the random thoughts for now. now that ive told the world i have more energy im suddenly pretty tired. hmm. oh well.