
16 weeks.

16 weeks. well, actually the end of 16 weeks. crazy. lets see...what can i tell you?

this week: we had a doctors appointment...spent more time waiting for the doc than the actual appointment itself...but oh well. heartbeat still sounds good. (i dont know if i would ever get tired of listening to that) ive been constantly tellin the hubs "its so weird. theres a baby in there" and i mean constantly. its still surreal. very very surreal.

ive been experiencing some heartburn. and my body seems to want to test my gag reflex every other day...have no fear...it works :) i bought my first pair of maternity pants. surprisingly comfy! other than that not too much new...the hubs and i are off to a wedding reception this weekend and my parents & sister are coming up to FINALLY get rid of the christmas themed nursery walls! :)