
goodbye trees

even though its the middle of "winter" the hubs is well on his way to figuring out all the landscaping he wants to do this spring/summer/fall. theres been mention of bushes, rain gardens and some other things. but when chopping down some trees was mentioned, i was a bit surprised. but thats his territory, not mine. so last week we had two trees taken down. heres some sneak attack pictures of the 8 hour process. you know sneak attack so they wouldnt see me in the house in my pjs of course.

the tree above is in our side yard, looking out from the soon to be babys room. even a week later its crazy to drive up to our house and see so much of the house. i didnt really think that tree blocked/covered a lot of the house but it did. now it will be interesting to see how the hubs hides these stumps.

and heres the one from the front yard.