
first trimester catch up

welcome to a long post. 13 weeks worth of a post. 

we found out about this little one just before thanksgiving. and then celebrated thanksgiving with my side of the family. let me just tell you it was SO incredibly hard to be around my family and NOT say anything. i thought it was gonna be so obvious...me not drinking pop and suddenly drinking a lot of water. but turns out it wasnt that obvious. 

the next week started week 5. and also started some complications. complications i dont want to get into here...but moral of the story we had our first ultrasound. the little baby looked just like a little caterpillar.

week 6 we got our second ultrasound to ensure the baby was growing; and here we got to see to the heartbeat. and this is where the hubs decided its a boy. because he heard the song "mary did you know, that your baby boy..." was playing in the background (i dont even remember there being music there but still...)

the beginning of december is when we told our parents and siblings...and everyone was very excited, and maybe a bit surprised? and then we promptly told them "dont tell anyone" :) cuz we are nice like that. 

week 9 we had the "typical first ob appt" and had our 3rd ultrasound. auntie shannon was able to be there this time and we got to once again see the heartbeat and even saw the baby move (so incredibly odd to see, but really cool) this time the baby looked like a little kidney bean.  

weeks 10-13 have been uneventful id say. (knock on wood) i think ive got a bit of a baby bump, some days more than others...even though i havent gained any weight. im so thankful i havent had any morning sickness but sometimes i think id rather have that than the worry and anxiety i had weeks 5 thru 10. but everything happens for a reason. and thats ok. 

we have been taking weekly pictures and im hoping to make it into a book for the baby. or something like that. its been fun to document how ive been changing and how the baby is developing and growing each week. and as of right now we are not gonna find out if its a boy or girl. (please remind me of this when we get closer to the 20 week ultrasound!!) 

(please disregard how pale i look. this household has been sick the past week so add on sickness & more exhaustion to an already tired pregnant girl = this picture)

and there you have it. you are officially caught up on the first trimester.  whew. no off to get some more sleep before work...