

holy buckets. how is it already 2012??? seriously, where did the time go?! it seems  like just yesterday it was the beginning of december. so between the holidays, family time, working and sleeping i havent quite got all the resolutions yet. for some reason it seems like this year is harder to come up with things to do. who knew. not i. so i guess you are stuck with the first half of the resolutions. at least until i get my act together and clean up the christmas decorations and think of some other things. (your suggestions are always welcome too!)

January --- ice skate
February ---redo cookbook (ie have all the recipes have the same font; cuz im cool like that)
March ---make a meal from pinterest pins (appetizer; main course & dessert)
April --- take a trip. where? TBD
May --- drive-in movie
June --- complete 4 pinterest projects