
new years weekend

new years weekend the hubs and i headed on over to my hometown to celebrate christmas/new years with my immediate family. it was a very relaxing and we had a lot of fun. dont believe me? check this picture out:

one of the best (maybe worst---jk) was watching home videos. ones i dont remember ever seeing before. in these videos i was about 4-12ish. we had a bit of everything: vacations, dance performances, preschool events, christmas, birthdays, etc.

i cant even begin to tell you my favorite parts.

for one christmas celebration kenz's (who was about 5??) favorite expression was: "WHAT THE??!!!" she pretty much yelled that right after opening every present. 

then when our parents surprised us with a trip to florida/disney, they gave us each a camera with cash. kyle was pumped that he got money and said, "now i can buy a brain" which we later found out was a yo-yo. after dad telling him he should maybe save the money to use in florida kyle politely reminded my parents that they still owed him money for some babysitting. 

and then theres me. im very thankful we waited to watch these movies until after i was married. because i dont know if the hubs woulda stuck around after seeing one particular christmas celebration. in which im somewhere between 11 and 13. let me just tell you what i got for christmas. and please know that with EACH of these gifts i was VERY excited. VERY excited. gift one: a bag of starbursts. (now we all know where my love of sweets started) when opening this gift i pretty much jumped for joy, arms extended and everything. gift two: a decorated heart box and matching journal. now i wasnt excited that those two things matched. nope. i was PUMPED that i already had MATCHING PENCILS. yes, what the heck, MATCHING PENCILS! gift three: a spell checker. like a little electronic device to spell check. ugh!

and if that isnt embarrassing enough. gift four. a group of 3 books. the first book was something about stephanie tanner from full house. the next one was a chicken soup for the soul book. great i love books. but the book i was SOOOO EXCITED for was a ROALD DAHL AUTOBIOGRAPHY. or something like that.

and with that i pray and hope you will still be friends with me. despite my young love for matching pencils, journal, boxes, a spell checker and the books i read. please? and thanks.