

exhausted. lots of changes going on here...some you were aware of like blinds and a tv stand and some you werent. like a dining set and refinishing our kitchen.

and it turns out its already july. guess you are wondering about my lovely resolution for june eh? those bike rides every week. well i didnt make my resolution 100%, i missed a bike ride one week. so close but no cigar. (whatever that means; remember im exhausted...) but thats ok with me. the hubs sure enjoyed those bike rides too. he loves biking everywhere these days. to home depot, the library and for lunch. hes even requested a basket for his bike. dont worry there WERE witnesses.

so moral of the story. this king and queen of clubs need time to re-energize. and work about 6 night shifts in the next 8 days. and play some xbox. ill let you guess whos doin what. updates will be coming...but it might be a few days.

hope you have a great 4th of july!

ps if you only could have read this post before it was proofed, you would realize how tired i really am.