
just what you wanted....

more kitchen pictures. right? right. or something like that.

lets start with the backsplash. white tile with a royal blue accent strip near the top. not horrible. but not really my style. or our style? no, my style. the hubs is fine either way i think. so we found a way to paint it. this is just a quick fix. and by quick fix i mean a fix to make me more happy until we save up enough money to get new counters and then save more money to get a new backsplash. so silver it is.

and then theres the paint color. i have no idea what the name is. but if you follow on facebook, it wasnt any of those 3 options. turns out after i posted three color options on facebook for some help in choosing one, i find out the hubs doesnt really like any of those. who knew?!? and what are the chances?!?! so off to the store to get more samples i went. most people probably wont really be able to tell a big difference from what it was to what it is now...but we can. heres a pic to try tell the difference. before (the bottom) was a light blue and after (top) is a blue-purple with more emphasis on blue.

overall its such a relief to have everything painted one color. instead of 3 like it was before. i dont know if im 100% sold on this color, because of its similarity to the previous color. but im gonna give it a few months and then see. and if we arent 100% sure in a few months we can easily change it, only a little sweat equity and some new paint. not too difficult or stressful.