

last thursday i accomplished my resolution for july. and i even had some great help/company from the hubs and our good friends joej & pappy. thursday was the first day in almost a week where the humidity wasnt horrible and the heat indexes werent above 100 so we were lucky!

we started the day on one of the best rides there: steel venom. and a few rides later they somehow convinced me to try a ride i hadnt been on before, the rip tide.

(image from valleyfair.com)

lets just say theres a lot of spinning. like 720 degrees of spinning. plus water. so before the ride, these "trustworthy" friends of mine say "you'll just get a little bit wet". liars i tell you. LIARS!!! i got soaked.  and there ended my trust in them. (just kidding)

at this point i was feeling a little woozy/nauseated. but nothing crazy. so next up: extreme swing. again, i had never been on this and wasnt really watching how "extreme" this swing really was. those trustworthy friends of mine described it as a giant swing. mmm hmmm. suuuuuuuuuuuure. :)

(image from valleyfair.com)

yah. turns out its really extreme. this one made my sick to my stomach. i honestly kept my eyes closed the whole time and probably left some fingernail marks in the hubs' hand. after this we went on the wild thing. and that was my last ride for a long time. i think ive officially become too old to go on these rides. cuz boy oh boy was i nauseous.

so a lunch break was ordered. after lunch we watched a show about music through the ages. it was pretty decent. until they started doing a risky chair "dance" with moves very similar to those learned at a certain bachelorette party last summer... just saying. there were kids in that audience. oh well.

i didnt really feel like a lot more rides so i became a photographer/people watcher. so here goes:

this is the ship. or something like that. the hubs was the only one of us to venture onto this ride. apparently its a "once in a lifetime" ride. im ok with never having that once in lifetime event. 

above is a little stuffed something the hubs won. and yes, there is a diaper on the head. who even knows. below is a picture of us both with snoopy. except it turns out snoopy looks really creepy considering you cant see his eyes.

this is pappy and joej. you know, those "trustworthy" friends of ours...

funny side story: at the beginning of our day at valleyfair we saw this girl who won a GIGANTIC stuff bear/gorilla thing. we chuckled seeing as this animal was about double her size and she was "lucky" enough to be able to carry it around all day. we saw her a few more times throughout the day walking with it on her shoulders and then having to take a break or having to have someone else hold the back of it while she walked.

all in all we had a lot of fun and (like always) it was good to see & hang out with joej & pappy. even if it sounds like they arent trustworthy...they are. just givin them a hard time! the day went by really quickly. all in all, a pretty good day. another resolution checked off the list.