
an early thanksgiving...

this past weekend we had some vistors come up to celebrate thanksgiving a bit early. the hubs' parents and grandparents came up to visit and see our new place. (new place. hmmm when does it stop being "new" and just become our place?!? i dunno. guess i hadnt thought about that before.)

well on saturday while kelly was making a delicious thanksgiving dinner the rest of played some games. we taught the hubs' grandparents how to play pit and we played lots of sequence. when we played 3 teams of couples...the champions were don & lila, the hubs' grandparents. so looks like we will have to do lots of practicing for the next time we are all together....

my parents also came up for lunch and it was good for everyone to catch up and just an enjoy a great meal. we watched some movies and the hubs got to try out his new toy.

yup, it snowed. just a bit but it snowed. guess its winter. dang. but the hubs was happy to try out his new toy for the first time. anyone wanna bet how long that will last? where he actually enjoys using the snow blower? i bet by mid december he will be sick of it.

and on sunday...i had to go back to work and the hubs & crew went to church and out for lunch before heading back home. it was so fun for everyone to come up and visit and spend time together, even if the hubs and i werent the champions of sequence...this time!