
thanksgiving & black friday

we were able to celebrate thanksgiving with my family. well most of my family at least---kyle was still in california.

thursday we had a delicious meal with my family and some good family friends. it was good to see everyone and just sit around and chat and catch up. i love going to my parents house...its always so relaxing!

well relaxing to a certain point. the black friday point. when we got to town earlier that morning, around 10 or 11 am, we drove past best buy and there were already people waiting in line...some with little ice houses/tents. the hubs and i wanted to get a tv for the man cave and a camera...you know the one ive been talking about since forever?!? sooooooo the hubs decided to go sit in line at best buy at around 6. which i thought was early but oh well. well, around 930 we went to visit him & bring him some coffee.

we then went to walmart. now i should mention i have never participated in black friday before. always thought it would be fun to just watch the craziness. well, we went to walmart to check out how they had theirs set up since walmart was open 24/7. so we got there and i saw that they had a good price on a tv too. i was guaranteed a tv at 945 (i was like #38 of 120) so i decided to wait until the hubs knew if he would get a guarantee on the tv. turns out he didnt. so i got to wait in line until midnight.

apparently at 10, best buy starts handing out tickets, you know to try prevent chaos when the doors open. well, our best buy wasnt too organized. at 10, when the guy came out...everyone in line rushed up to him in a mob...so there was really no way to know who was there first. frustrating. and stressful.

thankfully, neither of us was hurt. and we ended up getting what we went for. the camera at best buy and the tv at walmart. and we learned...we probably wont ever be doing black friday anytime soon. if ever again.

and if you want to hear about the hubs' cartwheel and phone answering in walmart...you'll have to ask him.

the rest of friday was spent relaxing and then friday night we went bowling. turns out all that "bowling" i did in highschool was no help. i am NOT a good bowler. but the hubs wasnt too shabby. saturday we headed down to celebrate thanksgiving with the extended family. again, it was good to catch up with everyone and just spend time with them.