

err actually more like donate this year. so novembers resolution was to volunteer. and well i looked but with an unpredictable work schedule in addition to the holiday season starting there werent a ton of options. (hindsight maybe shoulda had "volunteer" for a different month, oh well) so instead i decided to donate. its along the same lines right? right.

i found a cool opportunity here in the metro area called CHEERFUL GIVERS. What does that mean? well their website says it best, "We provide toy-filled birthday gift bags to food shelves and shelters so that parents living in poverty can give their child a birthday gift."

this year the floor i work on is collecting items for families in need...getting basic things like shampoo, shaving cream and some fun things like toys so the families can have a great christmas.

and last but not least...this summer our city held a celebration day. they had music, great food, games for kids and a bunch of different vendor booths. one booth that i was interested in was the yellow ribbon one. our city is becoming a yellow ribbon community and i became a volunteer. its basically a group of volunteers willing to help military families in different ways. check out their site here. they've only contacted me once so far, to help babysit kids while their parents were at a party...but i was out of state so couldnt help. but someday it will work out. someday.

and theres the november resolution. only one more month to go. any ideas on some resolutions i/we should try for next year???